For as long as I can remember I have been a big guy. I think that since I was in middle school, the smallest I have ever been was about 180 lbs, which was my sophomore year in college. The reason for this was that I was playing competitive racquetball, and I was in the court several times a day. Since then I have gone back and forth between 210 and 245, and once again I am up at the 245 mark. The pants are a little tight and uncomfortable and some of my shirts are starting not to fit, so usually that is a sign that it is time to slim down.

I was thinking about all this as I drove to work this morning, thinking about a strategy to lose some weight, and I remembered talking to a friend a while back about a program called "The Lords Table. The idea behind the whole thing is that God commands us to do everything for His glory.

1 Corinthians 10:30 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

It is a 60 week Bible study that goes along with a strict eating plan that will help change your motivations and tame your mind to bring God glory instead of self-gratifying with food. I am excited in one sense, and on the other hand, I have thought about forgetting the whole thing about 4 or 5 times today because I am looking forward to thanksgiving.

One of the things that I have realized is that I really really love food and I really love to eat. 2 separate things I think. I enjoy cooking and using food as an art, but on the other hand I like to eat cookies. Does that make sense? I think that the really enjoying food is okay, but my passion to eat is not.

Anyway, I think that I often want food more than I want God, and I think that is a problem. So, off I go onto this 60 day journey of finding out how and why I have put food above God, and how I can move food down the priority list where it should be. Pray for me because this is going to be a tough one.

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I will definitely pray for you...and keep you accountable.

November 17, 2008 at 3:26 PM

Follow my new blog, jerk!!

November 19, 2008 at 7:22 PM

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