No Time to Spend with God  

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My life over the past month or so has been some of the best days of my life. I won't go into all of the details, but I have experienced a closeness with God that has spread into the other areas of my life in noticeable ways.

One of the failures that I have had throughout my life is that I have not had a disciplined time of prayer, Bible intake, reading of other spiritual books, and fasting. I have gone through many a spurts where I would do these things and then back out again, and the one thing that I have noticed is the common denominator in the times of spiritual health is someone keeping me accountable.

My life is a pretty busy one. I work as a youth pastor, try to make enough time for my wife and 2 toddlers, run another music ministry that keeps me out of town atleast once a month, and I try and be a friend on top of this. not too bad, but enough to spread out my passion so that each things is not getting enough attention.

My walk with the Lord has been strong over the past month thanks to the program I mentioned in a previous email called "The Lords Table." It is a very intense program that consists of a rigerous eating plan, accountability, and a daily online lesson steeped in scripture.

Here is the thing....I have noticed that by taking time with the Lord every morning and every evening, I have been better able to accomplish the other things in my life, and not only accmplish them but do them with excellence and zeal. I have noticed that thought time and time again I have made the excuse that I am too busy to spend unhurried time in God word and in prayer, that I am actually too busy NOT to spend time with God. God Word brings focus, and and prayer brings a compassion for people that allows you to set your own agenda aside. Fasting breaks the hold of satan in so many areas, and rfeminds us regularly that our depandance is on the Lord.

So, I encourage you to stop and spend some time in the Word today. Spend some time praying or reading a book (I suggest starting with one by John Piper) And maybe even read up on and practice a day of fasting, and see how it changes the way you live.

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Way to go brother! You're inspiring me to release some "junk".
All of this will make you a better husband, father, artist, friend and believer.

December 3, 2008 at 2:05 PM

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