Many of you may have had the opportunity to go out to the polls on Tuesday and vote for the miriad of important issues that were on the ballot in this years election. But this call to the left is not just for election day. This call to the left is an everyday event. This challenge is a challenge that I am asking to you incorporate into your everyday life on a consistent basis. Here it is...

When people are trying to merge onto the freeway, especially during rush hour...move over!!

I honestly believe that traffic is a perfect example of who we are as a nation. We want what we want, and we want it on our terms, and forget everyone else. Well, here is the truth of the matter. That attitude causes traffic jams, and causes me to fly into extreme fits of road rage. If you are ever stuck on route 77 and you see a little rusted out Dodge Dakota with an overweight man beating up his stearing wheel while mouthing the words "move over, " its probably me.

If we would just slow down a little bit, move over, and let people merge, no one would have to slam on their brakes, which would not cause the person behind them to slam on their brakes, which would, in turn, not cause the person behind that person to slam on their brakes and so on and so on, and TADA - no traffic jams. The trade off is a beautiful thing. Sacrifice a few MPH, and your love affair with the right lane, and we can all get to work faster.

On the other side of the coin, there is a group that needs to move right as well. When it snows or rains in Ohio, which tends to be a total of 6 months out of the year, it doesn't mean that you have to drive 10 PMH under the speed limit. There is no law that says you must do this. However, I do understand your need for safety and I respect that choice. SO GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!! If you need to pass someone who is going 2 MPH faster than you are, then speed up a little bit to get around them instead of making your 1 car pass a 10 minute affair while the cars pile up behind you. You are the people who make other people mad and then they get so upset that they won't let people in, and round and round we go!

If you all heed my few little suggestions, we can all have a better driving experience in rush hour, normal driving time, snow, sleet, rain, construction, and any other driving conditions.

On a side note. We lost a great and brilliant author in Michael Crighton yesterday. I have been a fan for several years, and am greatly saddened for his family and fans. God Bless.

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amen to the traffic advice! I hate drivers sometimes. I have therefore become a fairly aggressive driver. And since my car is so small, I can fit into the places your truck can't :-P

November 6, 2008 at 9:14 AM

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