Strolling and Smelling Flowers  

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A few days ago a co-worker and myself were talking about the pace that our wives keep....FAST! He mentioned that even when they take a walk together, she is moving at the speed of sound. Our constant chant as husbands is "please slow down."

Over the past months my walks along the sidewalk of our little community with my 18 month old daughter have been somewhat therapeutic for me. When Grace walks down the sidewalk, she doesn't have a goal in mind. She's just excited to be out walking with Dad. She takes her time. She will stop and watch cars go by, and wave to people that she doesn't even know. Yesterday she stopped for probably 5 or 6 minutes and just watched a cat walk around in a yard. One of my favorite things that she will do is stop and smell the flowers that are in flowerbeds at the end of people's driveways. Now and again, she'll find a crack that warrants jumping over, and she'll jump back and forth over it. People will drive by and smile at her. I love to watch people drive by because she makes them smile....if only for those few seconds. She loves to stop and examine the halloween decorations at the house at the end of the street.

Yesterday we spent about a half hour searching for the mysterious little pods that have suddenly appeared in our front flower bed. Of course, pine cones never meant much to me, but to Grace they are a new discovery....something special....and she found so much joy in finding a new one as she searched through the mulch.

I remember a moment a while back when I realized the mistake I was making. I was always pushing Grace to "come on" or "lets go." There was always a goal for get the walk done, and get home. That makes sense right?

Grace has shown me how to literally stop and smell the roses. In those 40 or so minutes in my walk with Grace, I am able to slow down, and see a little piece of true joy, and true excitement at Gods creation. She helps me to stroll instead of walk. She points out all the things I have taken for granted for so long. impatient as she is at 18 months, is teaching me patience, and I'm thankful.

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