Last weekend I went and visited my brother, his wife, and my new niece Leah. He and his wife are both youth pastors at a church in a really cool little town in Michigan called Williamston. It actually reminds me a lot of our hometown of Rome Ohio.

I was driving home from work today, and I happen to be playing against my brother today in our fantasy football league. Of course there was a smack talk phone call, and several text messages daunting the other, but it got me to thinking about the relationship that my brother and I have. I think that compared to a lot of people I know, we have something pretty cool. My brother and I genuinly love one another, and on top of that, we like each other. I once heard a commedian say that there are a lot of people that we have to love that we don't like. I'm lucky enough to have a brother that I both love and like.

We grew up in different stages. When I was in middle school, he was in elementary, and was much too cool for my little brother. Once I got into high school, and was interested in him again, he was in middle school, and was way too cool for me. We had one year of high school together, when I was a senior and he was a freshman. We started to bond a little bit in that time, but I really think it was once I went off to college that Micah and I really became friends. I worried about choices he was making in high school, regreted some of the examples I had set for him, but most of all we really were finally on the same playing field...we were both growing up.

Some of my favorite times are when we are able to spend time together, whether it be at Holidays or on a visit...I think I probably laugh harder with my brother than with anyone else, and that is saying a lot, because I do a lot of laughing.

For a long time I was uncertain of my brothers faith, and honestly that scared me a lot. I think it was actually his wife, when they started dating, that reintroduced him to his faith, and helped him grow. I'll always be thankful to her for that. Now, I'm in a place where I've not only been able to see him become and good husband, but also to see how my he loves his little girl, and what a great dad he is.

Linda and I often talk about how blessed we are to have the family that we do, and for them to get along the way that they do. Unlike many a horrible sitcom, I love my mother-in-law. She is so stinking fun I can't stand it, and Linda loves my mom as well. How often does that ever happen. My dad and I have a great relationship that keeps us on the golf course, watching the big game, and hanging out together often. My parents are a couple of my best freinds these days. They live pretty close, and there is never a time when I don't look forward to them visiting.

Its pretty rare to look forward to seeing everyone at the holidays. Usually, in families I have engaged with, there is the one member of the family that nobody likes, or that one argument that has yet to be resolved. Do we have our issues, sure. But when it's all said and done, my family is pretty special, and I'm so thankful that my wife gets the opportunity to do life with them, and that I have the opportunity to do life with mny wifes family. And I'm even more thankful that my kids will get to see such beautiful and strong love in action as they grow up.

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thats really awesome, joe

October 26, 2008 at 8:31 PM

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