Playing in the Snow  

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Just to warn you, there is not a religious or sappy lesson to be learned from this blog, so don't come looking for one. This is just a quick little note about the fun that I had this morning. I have to stay late at my job tonight to get ready for our halloween alternative called Nerd Prom. So I had a little extra time at home this morning. Logan got up early, so we went downstairs, had coffee (and of course rice cereal), and then after some playing and throwing little toys around the room (which he can now do) he crashed back out. So I was thinking, maybe I can take some time while they are both sleeping and get ready for work....not so. Grace woke up almost immediately, and we went down stairs and got some food for her. Of course,the last time that we had snow, she was only a year old and was unable to really appreciate it. So I couldn't help myself, and I got her all bundled up in her snow suit, and once my mom got there to watch Logan, Grace and I headed out to the 2 inches of snow that covered Streetsboro this morning. We rolled around in the snow, Grace smiled her wonderful smile, and then we built a snowman. It was an aweosme time together in the first snow of the year!


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It is an awesome thing to know people who really excel at their art. Some of us might know someone who is a good painter, or a person who is a really good actor or singer. We might know someone who played football at the college level or baseball in the minor leagues, but it is rare to know people whoa re really great at what they do.

I met Nathan Migal about 4 years ago when we worked together for about 6 months at my church. Nate has since gone on to realize his dream of being a professional photographer. Nate isn't one of those guys who is pretty good at taking pictures, Nate is one of the best, and you can ask anyone who has ever worked with him and they will tell you the same.

Our first experience was hiring Nate for our wedding. We did this long before he had a business, a website, or even really good equipment. He was just getting going, and we were on a tight budget, so we asked Nate to do our wedding. Every photographer is going to capture the things that they need to capture...the kiss.....the walk down the isle....the ring.....the first dance....etc. But Nate captured moments in our wedding that happened within seconds, and the pictures that he took have captured those looks and laughes for us to have forever.

So of course, we started telling everyone that we know about him, and he got a few more weddings, then he staretd really pushing his business, and he's blowing up big time. I call him now and then and he's in Baltimore or in Florida doing a shoot. Not too shabby.

Nathan also did a shoot with my band, Ward 9, and the shots that he got are incredible. You can see them on his blog.

But the reason for this blog, is that a few weeks ago, Nathan came to our home and did pictures of our children. He made a link to them last night, and I was floored.....again, he just gets better and better. So I wanted to take this opportunity for all of you who read my blog, to introduce you to Imagen Photography. You can find out all about him and his team at You can see samples of their work, and most importantly link to his blog where you can keep up to date on everything that is going on with their company. I have posted a few pictures here just to give you a taste. I hope you are okay with that Nate. He now is also providing family shoots at your home and is working with families to create their holiday greetings, so ask about that too.

Last weekend I went and visited my brother, his wife, and my new niece Leah. He and his wife are both youth pastors at a church in a really cool little town in Michigan called Williamston. It actually reminds me a lot of our hometown of Rome Ohio.

I was driving home from work today, and I happen to be playing against my brother today in our fantasy football league. Of course there was a smack talk phone call, and several text messages daunting the other, but it got me to thinking about the relationship that my brother and I have. I think that compared to a lot of people I know, we have something pretty cool. My brother and I genuinly love one another, and on top of that, we like each other. I once heard a commedian say that there are a lot of people that we have to love that we don't like. I'm lucky enough to have a brother that I both love and like.

We grew up in different stages. When I was in middle school, he was in elementary, and was much too cool for my little brother. Once I got into high school, and was interested in him again, he was in middle school, and was way too cool for me. We had one year of high school together, when I was a senior and he was a freshman. We started to bond a little bit in that time, but I really think it was once I went off to college that Micah and I really became friends. I worried about choices he was making in high school, regreted some of the examples I had set for him, but most of all we really were finally on the same playing field...we were both growing up.

Some of my favorite times are when we are able to spend time together, whether it be at Holidays or on a visit...I think I probably laugh harder with my brother than with anyone else, and that is saying a lot, because I do a lot of laughing.

For a long time I was uncertain of my brothers faith, and honestly that scared me a lot. I think it was actually his wife, when they started dating, that reintroduced him to his faith, and helped him grow. I'll always be thankful to her for that. Now, I'm in a place where I've not only been able to see him become and good husband, but also to see how my he loves his little girl, and what a great dad he is.

Linda and I often talk about how blessed we are to have the family that we do, and for them to get along the way that they do. Unlike many a horrible sitcom, I love my mother-in-law. She is so stinking fun I can't stand it, and Linda loves my mom as well. How often does that ever happen. My dad and I have a great relationship that keeps us on the golf course, watching the big game, and hanging out together often. My parents are a couple of my best freinds these days. They live pretty close, and there is never a time when I don't look forward to them visiting.

Its pretty rare to look forward to seeing everyone at the holidays. Usually, in families I have engaged with, there is the one member of the family that nobody likes, or that one argument that has yet to be resolved. Do we have our issues, sure. But when it's all said and done, my family is pretty special, and I'm so thankful that my wife gets the opportunity to do life with them, and that I have the opportunity to do life with mny wifes family. And I'm even more thankful that my kids will get to see such beautiful and strong love in action as they grow up.

Strolling and Smelling Flowers  

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A few days ago a co-worker and myself were talking about the pace that our wives keep....FAST! He mentioned that even when they take a walk together, she is moving at the speed of sound. Our constant chant as husbands is "please slow down."

Over the past months my walks along the sidewalk of our little community with my 18 month old daughter have been somewhat therapeutic for me. When Grace walks down the sidewalk, she doesn't have a goal in mind. She's just excited to be out walking with Dad. She takes her time. She will stop and watch cars go by, and wave to people that she doesn't even know. Yesterday she stopped for probably 5 or 6 minutes and just watched a cat walk around in a yard. One of my favorite things that she will do is stop and smell the flowers that are in flowerbeds at the end of people's driveways. Now and again, she'll find a crack that warrants jumping over, and she'll jump back and forth over it. People will drive by and smile at her. I love to watch people drive by because she makes them smile....if only for those few seconds. She loves to stop and examine the halloween decorations at the house at the end of the street.

Yesterday we spent about a half hour searching for the mysterious little pods that have suddenly appeared in our front flower bed. Of course, pine cones never meant much to me, but to Grace they are a new discovery....something special....and she found so much joy in finding a new one as she searched through the mulch.

I remember a moment a while back when I realized the mistake I was making. I was always pushing Grace to "come on" or "lets go." There was always a goal for get the walk done, and get home. That makes sense right?

Grace has shown me how to literally stop and smell the roses. In those 40 or so minutes in my walk with Grace, I am able to slow down, and see a little piece of true joy, and true excitement at Gods creation. She helps me to stroll instead of walk. She points out all the things I have taken for granted for so long. impatient as she is at 18 months, is teaching me patience, and I'm thankful.

One of my favorite songs by Shane and Shane is called "Beauty for Ashes." The lyrics from this song comes from Isaiah 61, which is an awesome passage, but my recent reading in Jeremiah has drawn me back to the truth of this song.

Jeremiah 2:32 says this "Does a maiden forget her jewelry, a bride her wedding ornaments?
Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number."

This passage started to make me thing about what it is that makes us beautiful. What is it that gives us worth? God compares himself to a young woman's jewelry or the wedding ornaments of a bride....things that set them apart, and add luster to what might be plain without the ornaments.

More and more I look around at the world (when the Lord blesses me with those slim opportunities to step outside of my selfishness and see the world just slighty through His eyes) and I see how much stock people put into making themselves look good. I do it myself with the phone I carry, the clothes I wear, even the way that I form my facial expressions. I....we....are constantly trying to draw peoples attention to ourselves and gain approval, when the truth of the matter is that I am grossly sinful and the only thing good in me at all is Jesus. He is my ornament, He is my jewelry, and the one thing that sets me apart, and makes my plainness something special.

Unfortunatly I think that as a church, we have followed where our flesh would lead in many of these areas. Please don't get me wrong. I am not a church-basher. Nothing makes me more angry then people who continuously write about what a joke the church is. I passionatly love the church, but I love it like a friend that needs to hear truth from me at times, and I impart that truth because I love them.

The church has entered into an arms race (to coin a Bryan Karas term) with the culture that we simply cannot ever win. To be plain about it, the world will always have more money, more inovation, and more people who care only about furthering their own fame to carry out their new ideas. You all know what I mean. I don't have to spell out all the detaila about how churches have taken the cross out of the building to make people more comfortable, or put of giant screens like a football stadium, or time their worship services to laser light shows. We have all read the articles and seen the news.

The question I would like to pose both to Christians and to the church, is what makes us beautiful? Do we really understand that all we have to bring to the table is ashes, and that Christ is the only one who can trade those ashes for His beauty? This is a call to trade. Trade the ashes that come in the form of money, houses, cars, clothes, accessories, facial expressions, food, lights, couches, cool flyers, music, movies, and anything else that you think makes you special or that makes your church special, and trade them for the true beauty of Jesus Christ living in us.

Beauty for ashes, and a garment of praise for my heaviness. Take this heart of stone and make it Yours. I delight myself in the richest of fare, trading all that I have, for all that is better.
-Shane and Shane

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