Introducing the JOE VALENTI BIBLE!!  


So a good friend of mine send me a link to an article yesterday that was hilarious, but is also made m think. the more I thought about it the more it really hit home on some things that the Lord has been teaching me lately. Here is the article. A must read to understand the blog

Basically this paper (the Onion) is very tongue in cheek. It hold no real information, but is darn fun to read. This particular article is about this guy who thought it might be funny to write about how we juiced up the "old bible" with his new take on things Called the "Jeff bible"

Basically Jeff has taken out everything that made the "old Bible" boring and replaced it with new things that Jeff likes. The article was very cute and fun to read, but it really can be so true in my life, and I think in all of our lives.

Have you ever told a lie and the more you tell the lie and buy into it you forget that it is a lie. Its like after telling that lie enough times the lie begins to be truth to you. Then there is that moment you remember that it is a lie, and you go "huh....i forget that was a lie"

If you have never had that happen, I have, so if that makes you hate me, I'm sorry.

Anyway, I think we do the same thing with Gods word. Whether it be the the way that we do church, our idea of what it may mean to be a man or woman of God, the way we do church, the way we lead worship, or any other group of things, we make the way that we do it the right way.

I know that I am soo guilty of this all too often. We get so caught up in the way that our church has always done it, the way that mom and dad used to do things, the way that makes me feel good, or the way I have convinced myself is the right way. All along we forget to check our practices against the Bible. We continue just write the "(insert your name here) Bible" and keep the parts we like, and change the things that we don't really care to follow.

Today, think of some of the things that you are hard core about. Think about some of the things you are most passionate about. then take those things, and the way that they are done, and check them against what God has to say.

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